Monday 9 August 2010

Multiplayer game movements

   This looks trickier than I wanted.

Pairing opponents in a two player game like chess is relatively easy.

For more than two players or team at one game is much trickier...

With a large field a complete Swiss could be run with the winners play other winners.

The 4^n means that it is unlikely that even a 5 round event would be needed to find the winner. So if you have around 30 players for a 4 player game with 5 rounds how do you find the movement. It Becomes more complicted if you have late arrivals too.

I looked-up bridge individuals and was struggling to find the solution. I thought that there would be a simple mathematical formula but I have not yet found. I will investigate further and hopefully post  a solution back here.

The objectives should be that players play against the same players as few times as possible. That each possible postion 1st /  North  should be held equally.

1 - 2 - 3 -4  has 24 configurations but it is just the grouping that is of importance to us for now.

so for 30 players we would have:
 30! / (26! 4!)
possible tables.
27405 tables = 3915 rounds

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